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Vaccinate with Confidence

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccinate with Confidence

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs

  • Beginning Monday, April 19, all individuals aged 16 and older will be eligible for vaccination.

    Currently, vaccines are available to the following groups (more details, including exactly who qualifies in these categories can be found below):

    - Individuals age 55+
    - Individuals age 16-54 with certain medical conditions
    - Individuals age 16-54 with intellectual and developmental disabilities
    - Childcare workers in licensed and registered settings
    - Clergy
    - Communications, IT, and media workers
    - Educators and staff, including pre-K to 12 and higher education
    - Eldercare and support workers
    - Elections personnel
    - First responders
    - Healthcare workers
    - Hospitality workers
    - Individuals experiencing homelessness and those living in shelters
    - Judicial system workers
    - Laundry services workers
    - Librarians and library support staff
    - Long-term care and high-risk congregate care facility residents and staff
    - Medical supply chain employees
    - Members of tribal communities
    - Migrant farm workers
    - Postal and shipping service workers
    - Public safety workers
    - Real estate, building, and home services workers
    - Retail financial institution workers
    - Sanitation workers
    - Social service workers and support staff
    - Transportation workers
    - Utilities workers
    - Warehousing and logistics workers
  • Currently, you will receive either the Pfiser or Moderna vaccine, depending on availability. They are both mRNA vaccines, which contain genetic material synthesized in a lab and do not contain a live virus. The vaccine prompts our immune system to mount a defense against the virus.

  • The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is the authority given by the FDA to help the nation's health agencies protect the public against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats by making available the use of medical countermeasures during emergencies.

  • What we know about COVID-19 is that it can cause serious illness and even death. Getting the vaccine can help to protect a person by causing the body to create a response against the virus. It can also help to prevent the spreading of the virus to other people.

  • Before vaccines are made available to the public, large clinical trials are done to test the vaccines for safety and effectiveness. There were tens of thousands of participants in the COVID-19 vaccine trials. The U.S. Vaccine Safety System also makes sure that the vaccines are as safe as possible. After you get the vaccine, you will be observed for at least 15 minutes to monitor for any reactions. If any person experiences an adverse reaction, he or she will receive immediate medical care and it will be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

  • Like other vaccines, your arm may be red or sore, which should go away in a few days. You may also have a headache, fever and body aches, which are signs that your body is building protection against the virus.

  • The disease and vaccine are both very new. The current information about safety is what was reported during the clinical trials. Participants in the COVID-19 vaccine trials were monitored for 2 months after getting the vaccine. Most vaccine-related side effects (also called adverse reactions) happen within 6 weeks after getting the vaccine. However, as the vaccine is given to more people, safety will continue to be tracked. If there are any safety issues, immediate action will be taken.

  • Yes. Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that re-infection with COVID-19 is possible, you should get a vaccine regardless of whether you already had a COVID-19 infection. At this time, experts do not know how long someone is protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. However, since reinfection isn’t likely to happen in the 90 days after you're sick with COVID-19, you can delay getting a shot until 90 days after your infection. You should not get the shot while sick or during the isolation/quarantine period. If you have questions as to whether it is the right time to receive the vaccine, you should consult with your medical provider.

  • Upon arrival at the vaccination site, you will be given two documents to sign. They are:

    - Acknowledgement of receipt of the EUA fact sheet.
    - Acknowledgement that your vaccine doses will be registered with New Jersey Immunization Information System (NJIIS).*

    *The purpose of registering with NJIIS is to keep a record of your vaccine history in one place. This information may be shared with health care providers, insurance companies, and more, as allowed by New Jersey law.

  • You can register to get a vaccine at 1 of our 4 Locations. Click below to register:

    Start your COVID-19 vaccine registration

    As vaccines become more available, you may also be able to get one at sites designated by the state of New Jersey, your medical provider’s office and pharmacies.

  • Drive-thru is not available at this time at HNMC.

  • Vaccine doses are provided by the U.S. government at no cost. However, vaccine providers may charge a fee for giving the vaccine to someone, which may get reimbursed by your insurance company or by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Provider Relief Fund (for those without insurance).

  • - Pharmacists

    - Registered Pharmacy Interns

    - Nurses

    - Nursing Students

    - Medical Assistants

  • - You will be given a scheduled appointment time.

    - You may register ahead of time. You will be automatically opted in to the NJIIS registry. You may view the EUA fact sheet during registration and at check-in.

    - The vaccine is stored in the freezer and will be thawed and brought to room temperature before it is given in the arm.

    - After your vaccine is given, you must remain in the room for 15 minutes to be observed for possible side effects.

    - You should expect the entire process to take about 30 minutes.

  • You will need to come back for a second dose of the vaccine a few weeks after the first dose. It is still important to continue to wear a mask and practice hand hygiene, social distancing, and other infection protection measures as dictated by state and federal law to avoid the spreading of the virus.

  • After receiving your vaccine, you may experience some side effects similar to the flu, including a headache, some body aches, and soreness, redness, and/or swelling on your arm. However, if you feel the symptoms listed in the table below, you should contact your medical provider immediately.

    COVID-19 Symptoms

    - Shortness of breath
    - Cough
    - Chills/Body aches
    - Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea
    - Loss of sense of taste or smell
    - Headache
    - Sore throat
    - Temperature above 100℉

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