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Have a question about vaccination? Email: cvc@holyname.org

Patient Guide to Insurance Counseling

To contact the insurance department call: 201-379-5725

Holy Name Medical Center recognizes that the pandemic has created economic consequences such as job loss and financial hard-ship for many individuals in our community. In addition to the loss of income, job loss carries the risk of losing health insurance for individuals and families who were receiving health coverage through their employers. Our Insurance Counselor provides free, unbiased assistance to help you understand what options are available for obtaining health insurance coverage. If you don't have insurance or your insurance does not cover all the costs, there are many federal and state sources of financial assistance that may be available to you, if you qualify.

To speak with Holy Name's counselors or to make an appointment, call 201-379-5725 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30p.m. or email: insurance@holyname.org.

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